Category Archives: Humanity

A Shade of Smoke a Shard of Mirror

A shade of smoke a shard of mirror, a puffery and shame doll disguising a disfigurement, an all around folly kissing a manikin idealized as an icon to fervor…a child conceived by a broken pair of nightstands, sentinels of darkness.

A shade of smoke a shard of mirror, a memory radio, a voice stuttering slogans, a smart mouth gargling jargon and spiting into demi cups, a magus hung, a bell tolled, a fiction unraveled, shamen extinct like rosary beads.

A shade of smoke a shard of mirror, a money tree, thieves dancing, page turners and fast forwarders, mice men scurrying not to be late, the old ladies fallen, a child abandoned, the cab that never takes you anywhere but late…


A question needing to be asked, more…

really flat jpeg

Another Dear God Letter


Dear God,

To make a poem of you, to limit you to a word or phrase, no matter how beautiful, would be to emphasize or dress you in rags.

Flower drum chant man eyeglasses tipped on a nose, eyeball darting over gray plastic frames singing the chant – Good God, Glory God, Hallelujah… I am amen and the silence that follows.

At a distance God might as well not exist!

Close-up – in the action of darning hope to Joseph’s Multicolored Dreamcoat; god is not so important as the connection of a smile, the outstretch of a hand, or the laughter of poor minstrels strumming blues chords.

This God knows, but cannot teach.

In the holy name vestibule where well-worn versus and vespers are practiced, children die of hunger… and intellectuals ask with scoffing mockery “God allows this” all of us missing the point entirely.

God is not in the word, no matter what the original parchment states. The word is a description of something manifest, and what was manifest was an action. Therefore by my decrepit logic, God is an action, not a scribble.

As far as I am able to understand God has no need or desire or even time to attend to forming for me, or of me, a plan. It is for me to form a plan to act towards or in accord with God.

It is for me to journey to the mountain… because that mountain cannot precisely be reached I am to journey forever, towards the eclipse of two conjoining ideas; that of reason and faith.

And I am to find a way to enjoy this… and I shall!

Eight Lines About Man

two foot walker
prehensile grabber
a single generation removed from dirt
An experiment in intelligence
The Achilles of the world
A target for arrows